Smarter. Faster. Greener.

– GRU Meter Upgrade –

Smarter. Faster. Greener.

– GRU Meter Upgrade –
Beginning in 2022, we’re replacing electric, water and gas meters throughout our service area with AMI meters. Watch this brief video to learn more!
AMI meters are digital meters that allow for private, secure and automatic two-way communication between you and GRU. The technology will ultimately enable you to access near real-time information about your usage. This gives you the ability to save energy and manage costs more effectively. Learn more about how your new meters work by visiting these links: Electric, Gas and Water.

Inside Scoop

AMI meter technology has existed for decades and is the most efficient and effective method of collecting usage data and detecting service interruptions. In the United States alone, more than 115 million AMI meters have been installed.

We will no longer need to access your property to read your meter.

Most service requests will be completed remotely, which means fewer trucks on the road.

You will eventually be able to track and manage usage throughout the month through an easy-to-use web portal.

You will receive timely outage and safety alerts.

Reduced need for estimation in billing.

We will be able to troubleshoot and resolve equipment issues quicker, reducing outage times.

Starting and stopping service will be more efficient.

Allows usage and billing to be more transparent.


Your Installation

A GRU staff/contracted installer will be replacing all the meters in our service area over the next two years. Replacing a meter will not effect your current utility bill.

  • If the Installers are unable to complete the exchange, they will leave a door hanger on your front door with additional details.
  • You will experience a brief service interruption when your meter is replaced.
  • In most instances you will not need to be present when we replace your meter. Some gas meters may need to be replaced, in which case you will need to make an appointment to restore service once the work is complete.
  • Installers will drive vehicles with signage identifying them as a GRU contractor and will carry identification.

Safety and Security

More than 75% of homes in the U.S. are equipped with AMI meters. The data collected by these meters is secure and protected.

  • Each device has a unique identification number, which is transmitted along with the meter reading, so we know we’re reading the correct meter.
  • The data we collect is encrypted and protected by multiple layers of security to guard against unauthorized actions, breaches and tampering. 
  • The wireless portions of the system are operated per Federal Communications Commission rules and will not interfere with other radio frequencies in the area and will not affect your health. 
  • Taking trucks off the road and meter readers off of your property reduces GRU's potential for accidents. 


GRU is committed to reducing its carbon footprint. AMI Meters will facilitate significant energy savings in comparison to our current system.

  • With near real-time usage reports, you will be able to track your consumption more frequently and see the results from making energy-saving decisions like using LED bulbs and adjusting your thermostat. 
  • By taking trucks off the road, GRU will reduce greenhouse gas emissions related to service orders by 80%.

Frequently Asked Questions

AMI stands for Advanced Metering Infrastructure. Sometimes called Smart Meters, AMI meters are digital electric, water or gas meters equipped with wireless communication technology. AMI meters collect usage data electronically, daily, as opposed to manual monthly readings. An AMI meter transmits these readings remotely over a private, secure wireless radio network.

AMI meters have become the norm for utilities around the country because they allow for more accurate and faster collection of meter readings, improved safety conditions for staff and minimized wear and tear on vehicles. Introducing advanced meter reading as the standard for GRU is one way we can better serve our customers and improve the overall efficiency of the utility.

  • You will see improved customer service through increased accuracy and frequency of meter readings.
  • We won’t have to access your home or business to read a meter, eliminating a possible inconvenience.
  • You will see a reduction in estimated bills. 
  • You will have the ability to monitor usage on your account.

75% of homes in the U.S. use AMI meters, according to the Institute for Electric Innovation. Among the many utilities in our area using AMI meters are Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA), Clay Electric and Kissimmee Utility Authority (KUA).

See more Frequently Asked Questions at